
The Urban Travel Photography Workshop: Victoria Edition

VICTORIA, BC, CANADA   May 3 & 4, 2014




Click here to sign up.


"The Camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorthea Lange

Join award-winning photographer & architect Rick Hulbert as he travels to Victoria on beautiful Vancouver Island where he will be showing participants how to plan, prepare, & shoot photographic travels in a way that will help ensure great images. With rich culture, funky side streets, stunning architecture & a great city shoreline, Victoria presents a fantastic shooting opportunity for travel photography. Whether you are a beginner, enthusiast, or a professional photographer, this workshop will enhance the way you view your next urban travel experience.

Urban environments comprise the most diverse, target-rich places to photograph anywhere, period. Cities and Towns are essentially a network of "Public Realms" (streets, parks, plazas or squares, etc.) framed by buildings and other man-made structures. It could be argued that Urban Settings with Buildings are the Mother of all photographic subjects. Most of us will travel to these places and photographing them can be a wonderful experience.

There are "rules" for photographing the Constructed Environment. Knowing these generally accepted "rules" will make you a better photographer. Mastering these rules will allow you to break them in a deliberate, meaningful way.

While lectures provide fundamental information, hands-on field photography & constructive critiques of your own selected images will form a key part of the learning experience. There is no requirement for fancy equipment; Any and every brand of camera can work. But for those interested in the best camera & best techniques, we can also talk about gear & broadly touch on software solutions that can make your images sing.

A 10 person maximum ensures plenty of one-on-one time & shooting opportunities

"Photography is a constant struggle between the search for an honest and true documentation of reality and the inevitable interpretation, distortion, and hoped for enhancement of reality. The search is noble, but the inevitability is likely certain . . . and either goal will, thankfully, remain elusive." Rick Hulbert



* Participants are responsible for their accommodation & travel arrangements for Victoria.

 Click here to sign up.