The Art and Science of Street Photography Workshop

VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA    September 28 - October 1, 2017 (Thursday—Sunday)




To learn more and register, click here.


Urban Environments are designed for People and their Activities.

It could be argued that photographing urban places and buildings without people is like photographing waterfalls without water.

If you want to learn more about including people in your urban photos, this is the workshop for you.

Street photography is all about “Candid photography of people” doing their own thing . . . where the “context” of the action recorded is as important as the human activity itself.


Rick’s Top Ten Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn the importance of “anticipating” the decisive moment.
  2. Learn the Art of finding the scene and patiently waiting for the “actor” or “actors” to enter the stage.
  3. Learn a bit about the science of how we see and perceive the human form and how that can improve your street photography
  4. Discover that “evidence of people” can be just as memorable as the characters themselves.
  5. Learn about the best cameras and lenses to use and why . . . and then learn to make whatever gear you have work . . . and work well!
  6. Learn how to blend in, how to act, along with how to react and why.
  7. Discover Street Photography for the shy and retiring photographer.
  8. Learn how to edit your Street Photos. Hint . . . editing starts in the brain of the photographer along with the settings on your camera.
  9. We will examine the work of other street photographers, and learn from their images and words.
  10. Learn how an understanding of street photography will enhance your family photography and your travel photography.


Our exclusive workshop will limit the attendees to 6 participants in order to facilitate more customized instruction suited to the individual temperament and comfort zone of each attendee. Each day, you will have an opportunity to get some hands-on experience followed by a constructive evaluation of your images.

While our general shooting locations will be dependent on student desires, likely venues will include Chinatown, Gastown, Granville Island, and Downtown Vancouver’s Urban Waterfront along False Creek and Coal Harbour.

This is one photo workshop where overcast days might be a good thing! ☺


To learn more and register, click here.